Watch Twilight Saga Eclipse Premiere!

Posted by Admin On 11:31 PM 0 comments
OMG! This is it!

Twi-hards prepare for the coming of Twilight Saga Eclipse in theaters starting midnight tonight! The final wait is almost over. Our cravings will be satisfied with the release of Twilight Saga Eclipse. To all Twi-hard fans who already have tickets to watch Eclipse full movie, kudos and goodluck! This is your moment. Enjoy every part of the movie. Laugh, Scream, be mad, fall in love.. unleash your emotions as Twilight Saga Eclipse invades cinemas.

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You see, Jacob, you might leave her someday. Like Sam and Emily, you wouldn’t have a choice. I would always be waiting in the wings, hoping for that to happen." -Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.502
"So the lion fell in love with the lamb." "What a stupid lamb." "What a sick, masochistic lion." - Edward Cullen and Bella Swan


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