The Cullen Family: Rosalie Hale

Posted by Admin On 6:25 PM

Rosalie is one of the most beautiful vampires. She is married to Emmett and is the only Cullen who dislikes Bella. She envies Bella for being human. Although she is fierce and protective of the Cullen coven, she would rather be human.

Back story: Rosalie was born into a wealthy family. She was engaged to a wealthy young man whom she thought loved her. One night when she was walking home her rich fiancé and his friends raped her and left her for dead. Carlisle found her on the road and turned her into a vampire. She never chose to become a vampire, and has an undead chip on her shoulder as a result. Three days after her transformation, she hunted down her rapists and killed them all, not even to drink their blood, the only humans she’s killed since.

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